Antidote for Fifty Shades of Grey

Yesterday, I wrote Gina Barreca to thank her for her commentary on Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s a fine column, slamming Fifty Shades as a “...form of residue: It’s what’s left over when you extract the intelligence, wit, energy and originality from a book.” You can read...

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Soul Sense: A Writer’s Guiding Light

Soul Sense: A Writer’s Guiding Light

Near the end of last year, I spent some time reading my 2014 journal, flagging those entries that were a record of break-through and “ah-ha” moments. One of those moments came on a December evening when I sat with my guitar and started singing — playing songs I had...

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An Act of Faith and Magic: The Opposite of Fate

An Act of Faith and Magic: The Opposite of Fate

Some years ago, by chance, I turned on the radio and heard Amy Tan on This American Life. She was talking about a time when she had been flat broke, and how a fender-bender had brought her the exact amount of money she needed to fix her cat's broken leg. I always...

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A Lovely Getaway: Mr. Fooster Traveling on a Whim

A Lovely Getaway: Mr. Fooster Traveling on a Whim

One shelf in my studio bookcase is reserved for books on writing. It is a collection made up of a few writers whose books about writing have inspired and helped me; they have fueled my writing energy and aided my craft. Mixed in with those books are some plays and...

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Saved by Story

Saved by Story

Welcome to Write Away, my blog for writers, readers, and book lovers everywhere. I am one of you, and must confess that I not only love books—I am just short of being a book addict. Yesterday, while walking down the main street of a small coastal town, I saw a shop...

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